This function is meant to intake two shapefiles, one per cws and usgs munges them such that they conform to the USGS data release for BBS observations and route metadata.
cws.layer = "ALL_ROUTES",
usgs.layer = "US_BBS_Route-Paths-Snapshot_Taken-Feb-2020", = 4326,
ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
keep.empty.cells = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
dir.out = NULL,
save.route.lines = TRUE
A data frame with columns c(latitude, longitude) and optional attributes (columns).
a spatial grid over which the eBird data will be overlaid.
Directory for where the CWS (Canadian BBS) shapefiles are stored.
Directory for where the USGS (USA BBS) shapefiles are stored.
Name of the layer to import. Defaults to "ALL_ROUTES"
Name of the layer to import.
the integer representing the target CRS.
max number of cores to engage for parallel data processing. Defaults to one fewer CPUs than the machine has. Parallel processing is used only when a high number of routes and/or grid cells are in the data.
logical if FALSE will remove any grid cells with which BBS data do not align. Do not recommend doing this.
logical if TRUE will overwrite any existing file named "ebird_spatial.rds" in path dir.out
path to where the resulting spatial data frame will be saved. If NULL will not save to file.
logical. If TRUE (default) will save the BBS routes segments as .RDS to dir.out